The Next Stop

I’ve been slowly leaking the news in different corners of my life. Putting it here gives it a real feel. Permanency. 

I am moving on from my nanny position (and my nanny life!) of 4+ years to pursue my postpartum doula business full time. For almost a year, I have been balancing my full-time job and being a business owner. While not easy, it has been more than worth it. A balancing act, indeed.

A few weeks ago, I started to feel a pull that I needed to make a choice about how I want to fully bring my business ideas to life. I know that they require my full attention and I could not bring myself to make a decision. During a rant session, my friend said the words that I had been avoiding: “This season is done” and I knew what choice I had to make. 

I’m a type A person and have a plan for the plan and a plan for that plan at any given time. The thought of leaving my position with a steady, reliable income feels uncomfortable, to say the least. But, this next chapter requires something different. It requires a blind trust and I decided I am ready to step up to the plate and give it all I’ve got.

Next comes the resignation from my nanny position. The thought of not seeing my tiny besties every day feels foreign. Their little arms hugging my legs at school pickup and the endless poop jokes are ingrained into my daily routine. So, imagine my surprise when my “can we talk?” text was met with news of their own. The stars aligned. We were both experiencing anxiety over if we were making the right choice and the fact that our decisions aligned in this way felt like confirmation that we are doing the right thing. 

Peeking into the next chapter feels exciting. My head is exploding with ideas for growing Nia’s Nest into all that I know it can be. Every day I feel more confirmed in the work that I do as a postpartum doula. I am excited to be sharing this next chapter with all that I am in community with. As Sylvie Brett said: “the stars aligned… it’s magic when that happens”. 

Stay tuned I spread Fourth Trimester Fairy energy all over Chicago!


Something Old, Someone New.


Going Back Outside